What is art?

What is art?

Before you read this story, first say what you think art is. 

 Two college boys in Scotland went to an art exhibit (प्रदर्शन).  It was an exhibit of modern (आधुनिक) art at their college. Before they went to the exhibit, the bought a pineapple (ananasācē) to eat for their lunch afterwards. The pineapple cost 95 rupees.  As they were walking through the exhibit, they saw a table with nothing on it. They started to laugh. “What if we put our pineapple on the table?” they thought.  “Would people think it was art?”
     So they put the pineapple on the table, took a photo of it, and left.

    A few days later they decided to go back to see if their pineapple was still there.  It was!  Someone had put a glass case over it to protect (संरक्षित करा) it!


      The boys put their photos on Twitter. People from all over the world started talking about it. The photo got 5,000 Likes. 
     Some people thought the pineapple joke was disrespectful. Other people thought it was funny. Other people said that it shows that anything can be art.  
     What do you think?  What is art?

     Look at the pictures below.   Are they art?  Why?  or Why not?







If anything can be art, does that diminish art?


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