The story of snowflakes

Photo courtesy Susan Stark

A snowflake starts (शुरू करना) in a cloud (बादल)

Snowflake photos courtesy Aaron Burden
The air (वायु) is cold (ठंड). The air has water (पानी). The air has dust (धूल). The water touches (छूना) the dust and becomes ice (बर्फ). The ice is very small (छोटा). The ice needs (मुहताज होना) water to grow. Slowly (धीरे से) it grows and becomes a snowflake.

All snowflakes have 6 arms.  Warmer temperatures (गर्म तापमान) make long (लंबा) snowflakes. Colder temperatures (ठंडा तापमान) make round (गोलाकार) snowflakes.

Snowflakes are like you! There is only ONE of YOU!  Every (प्रत्येक) snowflake is different too.



Make a snowflake!
(You must start with a SQUARE piece of paper.)

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